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Lundo site: A great catch. 30 million years ago, this dry valley held a wide river surrounded by lush forest. One day, a group of juvenile and adult Baluchitherium were snatched by crocodiles. Their skeletons, covered in silt and sediment deposited by the river and therefore protected from air and light, slowly mineralized and became fossils. 30 million years later, wind erosion exposed bits of the fossils, and Jean Loup Welcomme’s research team begins to gather the remarkably old and concentrated group of fossils. 10 kilometers from the southern border of Bugti territory, the team is closely guarded by the warriors of Nawab (the King of the Bugti), watching over them as they work in an area close to enemy territory occupied by the Kaplar tribe.
© Stéphane Compoint
Lundo site: A great catch. 30 million years ago, this dry valley held a wide river surrounded by lush forest. One day, a group of juvenile and adult Baluchitherium were snatched by crocodiles. Their skeletons, covered in silt and sediment deposited by the river and therefore protected from air and light, slowly mineralized and became fossils. 30 million years later, wind erosion exposed bits of the fossils, and Jean Loup Welcomme’s research team begins to gather the remarkably old and concentrated group of fossils. 10 kilometers from the southern border of Bugti territory, the team is closely guarded by the warriors of Nawab (the King of the Bugti), watching over them as they work in an area close to enemy territory occupied by the Kaplar tribe.
Term of use: All pictures are © Stéphane Compoint except : pic n° 56 to 60 : © Gedeon Programmes (www.gedeonprogrammes.com)

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