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The choir seen from the keystone above the apse. Willed by Louis XIII in appreciation of motherhood Anne of Austria, but executed by his son Louis XIV, the baroque altar has regained darkness and mystery in the nineteenth century. On stained glass, art glass highlighted the glorification of the Virgin, and on the sides, gave a face to the founders of the church of Paris, including Saint Denis and Saint Marcel. In the background, the apse of the choir and the Pieta made by Nicolas Coustou.
© Stéphane Compoint
The choir seen from the keystone above the apse. Willed by Louis XIII in appreciation of motherhood Anne of Austria, but executed by his son Louis XIV, the baroque altar has regained darkness and mystery in the nineteenth century. On stained glass, art glass highlighted the glorification of the Virgin, and on the sides, gave a face to the founders of the church of Paris, including Saint Denis and Saint Marcel. In the background, the apse of the choir and the Pieta made by Nicolas Coustou.
Term of use: On French territory only, exclusive rights to Bayard Presse group until December 2015.

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