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At the foot of the pillar southeast of central transept, the statue of Notre Dame de Paris. It is dated from the fourteenth century and comes from the chapel of Saint-Aignan, located in the former monastery of the Canons of the Île de la Cité. It was transferred to Notre Dame in 1818 and placed first at the pier Portal of the Virgin in replacement of the Virgin of the thirteenth century, mutilated in 1793. In 1855, Viollet-le-Duc put it in its current location.
© Stéphane Compoint
At the foot of the pillar southeast of central transept, the statue of Notre Dame de Paris. It is dated from the fourteenth century and comes from the chapel of Saint-Aignan, located in the former monastery of the Canons of the Île de la Cité. It was transferred to Notre Dame in 1818 and placed first at the pier Portal of the Virgin in replacement of the Virgin of the thirteenth century, mutilated in 1793. In 1855, Viollet-le-Duc put it in its current location.
Term of use: On French territory only, exclusive rights to Bayard Presse group until December 2015.

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