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Vaucouleurs, where Joan of Arc left from 22 February 1429 to go to Chinon. Porte de France, built on the ruins of the castle of Vaucouleurs, at the time led by Captain Robert de Baudricourt. Here, February 23, 1429, Baudricourt said Jeanne,
© Stéphane Compoint
Vaucouleurs, where Joan of Arc left from 22 February 1429 to go to Chinon. Porte de France, built on the ruins of the castle of Vaucouleurs, at the time led by Captain Robert de Baudricourt. Here, February 23, 1429, Baudricourt said Jeanne, "Go, and come what may". The people gathered for the occasion, had offered Jeanne his horse, clothes for men and forge the sword is given by Baudricourt. Jeanne and six companions and will drive to Chinon to meet with the dauphin, the future Charles VII. On the left the chapel adjoining the castle. Neo-Gothic style and built in 1923, it occupies the site of the original chapel, built in 1234.

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