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Former border crossing Bornholmer Strasse. He was the one located further north, among the seven border crossings intramural, for West German nationals wishing to travel to East Berlin. The station was divided into two and walled. After announcing the opening of borders by an RDA party secretary at a press conference on the evening of November 9, 1989, more and more East Berliners gathered in front of the border crossings to Berlin West, to make immediate use of their new right. Thus the first East Berliners won by the West Berlin border crossing Bornholmer Strasse. The Director of Customs did cancel their passports and took off their nationality without informing them. Given the increasing numbers of candidates at the start, the direction of this border crossing was quickly overwhelmed. Two hours after the first pass, it was decided to
© Stéphane Compoint
Former border crossing Bornholmer Strasse. He was the one located further north, among the seven border crossings intramural, for West German nationals wishing to travel to East Berlin. The station was divided into two and walled. After announcing the opening of borders by an RDA party secretary at a press conference on the evening of November 9, 1989, more and more East Berliners gathered in front of the border crossings to Berlin West, to make immediate use of their new right. Thus the first East Berliners won by the West Berlin border crossing Bornholmer Strasse. The Director of Customs did cancel their passports and took off their nationality without informing them. Given the increasing numbers of candidates at the start, the direction of this border crossing was quickly overwhelmed. Two hours after the first pass, it was decided to "open the floodgates" and, in the space of one hour, twenty thousand people crossed the border post with no identity check. Today, the route of the wall around Berlin under the bridge and follows the route of the old walkway. In the middle of the bridge Bornholmer Brücke, the exact location of the wall, furniture unusual red color, the work of artists Twin Gabriel: This invitation to sit is titled "Mind the Gap" (Beware of the hole), in reference to the no man's land separating the two parts of the city.

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