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One must go through two other rooms, an antechamber and a big living room giving onto a hallway in order to reach this room in the Centenary House (one of the biggest of the city).  In other words, this remote area, lending itself to sexual frolicking, was no doubt a part of the suite reserved for the master of the house.  A couple is depicted on each of its walls.  On the South-East wall, a woman is about to mount a young man who is relaxing on a soft mattress, his right arm raised above his head in a position of abandon.  The scene’s charm is due to a certain naïveté, to the fresh profile of the two lovers and to the contrast between the man’s brown skin and the woman’s alabaster skin, common in this type of art.
© Stéphane Compoint
One must go through two other rooms, an antechamber and a big living room giving onto a hallway in order to reach this room in the Centenary House (one of the biggest of the city). In other words, this remote area, lending itself to sexual frolicking, was no doubt a part of the suite reserved for the master of the house. A couple is depicted on each of its walls. On the South-East wall, a woman is about to mount a young man who is relaxing on a soft mattress, his right arm raised above his head in a position of abandon. The scene’s charm is due to a certain naïveté, to the fresh profile of the two lovers and to the contrast between the man’s brown skin and the woman’s alabaster skin, common in this type of art.

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