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  Photos burned on CD-DVD
2006 CD-DVD reference scale - amount in €
Nbr of photos by source 1 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 499 + 500
1 to 1999 100 90 80 70
2000 to 4999 110 100 70 80
5000 to 9999 120 110 100 90
10000 to 24999 130 120 110 100
25000 to 49999 140 130 120 110
50000 to 99999 150 140 130 120
100000 to 199999 160 150 140 130
200000 to 500000 170 160 150 140
500000 to 1000000 210 170 160 150
1000000 to 1500000 255 210 170 160
150000 to 2000000 305 255 210 170
2000000 to 2500000 400 305 255 210
2500000 to 3000000 530 400 305 255
3000000 to 3500000 680 530 400 305
3500000 to 4000000 815 680 530 400
aerial or underwater photos : scale + 100%
reprints : scale + 30% of initial fee
digital fees after print fees for same title : + 50% of initial fee

  Jacket, sleeve, booklet, printing on CD, etc. for CD, DVD and VHS
Category ¼ page and lower ½ page and lower page and lower cover front and back
1000 ex 90 110 165 330
2500 ex 110 135 200 400
5000 ex 125 155 235 475
10000 ex 150 190 285 570
25000 ex 180 225 340 685
50000 ex 220 275 410 820
100000 ex 260 325 490 985
250000 ex 315 395 590 1180
500000 ex 380 475 710 1420
750000 ex 450 565 850 1700
1000000 ex 545 680 1020 2040
aerial or underwater photos : scale + 100% % - small size in cover recto and verso : scale + 100%
booklet : fees similar as paperback fee (see book fees) - cover pricelist - compilation : pricelist + 20 %
reuse on other medium : fee + 50 % - advertizing product : fee + 40 %

:: Stéphane Compoint - 9 rue de la Vistule 75013 Paris France - Tel : +33 6 08 75 75 57 - email : sc@stephanecompoint.com ::
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