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Battle of Verdun: Remains of the fort of Douaumont. Keystone of the fortified system of Verdun, the fort was captured by the Germans in February 1916 (the beginning of the Battle of Verdun) due to an error in the French high command. Its reconquest by the French came only eight months after a particularly bitter fighting and hard bombing, which it still impacts the entire structure of the fort. Its galleries and armaments reflect the organization and power forts of 1916. Today, French flags, German and European floating side by side, symbolizing reconciliation. Here, the battery of cannon whose exterior is visible in photo 166.
© Stéphane Compoint
Battle of Verdun: Remains of the fort of Douaumont. Keystone of the fortified system of Verdun, the fort was captured by the Germans in February 1916 (the beginning of the Battle of Verdun) due to an error in the French high command. Its reconquest by the French came only eight months after a particularly bitter fighting and hard bombing, which it still impacts the entire structure of the fort. Its galleries and armaments reflect the organization and power forts of 1916. Today, French flags, German and European floating side by side, symbolizing reconciliation. Here, the battery of cannon whose exterior is visible in photo 166.

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