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Composed of sixteen petals, the Rose of the northern transept is the largest of its time (second half of the thirteenth century). It remained in remarkable condition since its construction. Unlike the southern Rose window, the northern Rose has kept intact its original stained glass windows of the thirteenth century. The center is occupied by the Virgin Mary. Gravitating around her, judges, kings, high priests and prophets of the Old Testament. Below the clerestory, whose windows dating from the nineteenth century, are ancestors of the Christ, the eighteen kings of Judah.
© Stéphane Compoint
Composed of sixteen petals, the Rose of the northern transept is the largest of its time (second half of the thirteenth century). It remained in remarkable condition since its construction. Unlike the southern Rose window, the northern Rose has kept intact its original stained glass windows of the thirteenth century. The center is occupied by the Virgin Mary. Gravitating around her, judges, kings, high priests and prophets of the Old Testament. Below the clerestory, whose windows dating from the nineteenth century, are ancestors of the Christ, the eighteen kings of Judah.
Term of use: On French territory only, exclusive rights to Bayard Presse group until December 2015.

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