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At the height of the portals of the west facade. At the center of facade, overview of portal of Last Judgment. The tip of the tympanum, Christ, like a supreme judge, is sitting on the tribunal. The Virgin (left) and John (right) kneeling, interceding for men. On the central lintel, the archangel Michael weighs souls : elected officials are taken to heaven by angels, the reprobate take themselves the chain that leads to hell, driven by demons. On the lower lintel, the Resurrection. The arches are six cords of the heavens. On the pier, the Beau-Dieu de Notre-Dame, one of the most outstanding works of Geoffroy-Dechaume. Altitude 11 meters.
© Stéphane Compoint
At the height of the portals of the west facade. At the center of facade, overview of portal of Last Judgment. The tip of the tympanum, Christ, like a supreme judge, is sitting on the tribunal. The Virgin (left) and John (right) kneeling, interceding for men. On the central lintel, the archangel Michael weighs souls : elected officials are taken to heaven by angels, the reprobate take themselves the chain that leads to hell, driven by demons. On the lower lintel, the Resurrection. The arches are six cords of the heavens. On the pier, the Beau-Dieu de Notre-Dame, one of the most outstanding works of Geoffroy-Dechaume. Altitude 11 meters.
Term of use: On French territory only, exclusive rights to Bayard Presse group until December 2015.

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